A place to Work

So what are you doing?

I am renting a workspace. Away from my living space. Currently I operate my ENTIRE life from 1 small room and frankly, it's getting a little crowded in here. Ignore the fact that I own too much crap anyway, we then have to deal with the issue of my all-consuming passion for photography and by its nature the tendency to take up a shit ton of space. Space I have very much run out of...6 months ago.

My desk, after I have had a tidy. Yes, I am serious.

My desk, after I have had a tidy. Yes, I am serious.

I am also trying to live and work very close to one another which (as I know from past experience) doesn't work too well. I type this blog within 1m of my bed! A mere 30cm from my Xbox (god I would kill for a game of Sea of Thieves right now).

Isolation is also a problem, I have blogged about this before (don't worry you didn't read that one either) and how damaging it can be. If there is someone in my room, however, I want to be doing something other than working.

Ok so, there is never someone else in my room but this only means I am stuck in my own personal echo chamber with no means of engaging with the outside world. Not a very creative environment.

Isolation was a hole I barely escaped from.

Isolation was a hole I barely escaped from.

So I go to cafes to work. I am haemorrhaging money in black coffee and cake. I need to stop that.

This is actually an old photo of how I used to turn up at starshmucks and just f**k the place up! (I still do this just at better places than starbucks!)

This is actually an old photo of how I used to turn up at starshmucks and just f**k the place up! (I still do this just at better places than starbucks!)

What is the Plan then?

Setup - I need to set up my location and get the equipment and supplies I want to use from my space to the desk area. Taking all the things I might need is a fairly big deal as it will force me to separate life and work. If I have the urge to create I can't just get out of bed and start working...which means I get to stay in bed!

Production - I'm not just getting this space for photography. I am actually learned to sew and by extension, I am also learning to make clothes (because no designers want to get involved in the Search.er project I decided 'Fuck'em, I will do it myself then!') and other things. Its time to create then ship and ship often!


Collaboration- This means not stuck in my room with the only youtube for company! I might actually be able to speak to people and other creatives at that!!!

So how will this affect my future work?

Hopefully, a more organised working environment and setup will lead to a more coherent workflow and final results. This should be a lot more engaging for you.

It also means I will be able to create more and have the option to sell it because, well, I got bills to pay! (ship and ship often)

It also gives me the time to interact with you guys a bit more. I haven't been too great at staying in touch with people who express interest so making or connect with a community has been difficult. this will change and if you want to ask a question please do so.

I will post photos of my work in the future and I might even start a Patreon live stream if you want to see some BTS videos.

Patreon - www.patreon.com/itchyphotog

Ko-fi - www.ko-fi.com/V7V3W7SW

Instagram - @itchyphotog

Be polite

Be efficient

Have a plan to shoot everyone you meet.